Q. How can you increase the number of visitors who come to your stand at The Education Show 2001?

A. Take up one of the sponsorship opportunities available only to exhibitors!

There are a number of options available designed to meet YOUR marketing and sales objectives and your budget!

Sponsor the Visitor Badges and your company name/ logo and stand number will be promoted show-wide

You could sponsor one of our targeted direct mail shots and promote a competition or demonstration you will be running at the show

Highlight your stand on the 'You Are Here' Boards located around the show floor and tie that in with the Floorplan printed in the Show catalogue so that visitors know exactly where to find you!

Distribute a product sample/free gift from the Registration Area – and don't worry – only 1 company can take up this option!

Sponsor the INSET seminar programme and see your name on all the promotional material advertising this popular visitor attraction!

Poster sites – if you have any promotional posters bring them to the show and multiply your company's exposure!

Supply the PC's for the Press Office and we'll tell everyone about it – this sponsorship comes with no opportunity cost!

Come to us with your own original idea and we will do our best to convert your idea into reality!

Make the most out of your three-day at The Education Show – it's the best investment you can make!

Contact Seema Quraishi to discuss any of these options further on or email her at

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