Why pay more?

There is good news if you are planning to sit in on a seminar or three during your visit to The Education Show 2001. Booking prices for this year: the first session booked will cost £11.75 (inc VAT) and additional sessions will be cut by a welcome 50% to £5.88 (inc VAT). There is even better news for online bookers; you will receive a further £1 discount on these prices.

To book online click here


ALL - Association for Language Learning
ASE - Association for Science Education
ATL - Association of Teachers and Lecturers
ATM - Association of Teachers of Mathematics
BDA - British Dyslexia Association
BECTa - British Educational Communications & Technology Agency
BPA - British Paralympic Association
CILT - Centre for Information on Language Teaching & Research
DfEE - Department for Education & Employment
FEDA - Further Education Development Agency
GA - Geographical Association
HA - Historical Association
IAPS - Incorporated Association of Preparatory Schools
MA - Mathematical Association
NAGM - National Association for Governors and Managers
NAHT - National Association of Head Teachers
NAME - National Association of Music Educators
NASEN - National Association for Special Educational Needs
NASUWT - National Association of Schoolmasters & Union of Women Teachers
NATE - National Association for the Teaching of English
NLS - National Literacy Strategy
NPT - National Primary Trust
NUT - National Union of Teachers
PAT - Professional Association of Teachers
PCfRE - Professional Council for Religious Education
PEA - Physical Education Association
QCA - Qualification & Curriculum Authority
SHA - Secondary Heads Association
SMA - The Schools Music Association

Saturday  24  March  2001

Room A

A13 10.00    
The European Year of Languages 2001
KS: All Levels
The European Year of Languages 2001 is a joint Council of Europe/European Union initiative. CILT is UK national co-ordinator. A high profile speaker will discuss the importance of the issues emerging from the Europe-wide celebration of language learning for languages education policy at all levels in the UK.

A14 11.00    
Support for Music in Early Years – Can't Sing, Can't Play, Can't Teach Music!
Sue Nicholls – EY
This seminar offers all Early Years practitioners a range of new songs and listening games which will support QCA's Early Years Learning Goals and match the new National Curriculum at KS1. The materials will be completely accessible to non-specialists and attractive and stimulating for children in nurseries, playgroups and reception classes.

A15 12.00    
Critical and creative thinking skills in RE at key stages 2 and 3
Lat Blaylock – KS: 2-3
This session will explore the contribution that RE for pupils ages 7 – 14 can make to developing creative and critical thinking skills. A practical focus on classroom strategies that work will be coupled with an analysis of some ways in which RE particularly needs to develop increasing rigour, thoughtfulness and imagination.

A16 1.00pm    
Simon Wrigley/Barbara Conridge – KS: All Levels
This session will focus on what helps and hinders pupils writing development.

A17 2.00pm    
Teacher Net
ICT in Primary
Marilyn Leask/Darren Leafe KS:1-2
This session will explore the issues related to implementing ICT within the Primary School. It will focus on how schools are purchasing suitable equipment and software, developing effective whole school schemes and policies and implementing on-line projects within the curricula.

Room B

B13 10.00    
ASE: What can it do for Science in your school?
Rona Wyn Davies - KS:1-2
The ASE supports primary science in several ways using a range of media. During this multimedia presentation the audience will be introduced to some of the publications and personalities which underpin the primary aspects of the organisation at present.

B14 11.00    
Teacher Net
ICT in Early Years
Marilyn Leask/Darren Leafe - EY
Topics covered focus on the use of the Internet to support Early Years teaching. Issues covered include: the planning of e-mail and Internet projects including the finding of partners; audio e-mails, the use of ICT to support administration and professional development of Early Years teachers.

B15 12.00    
Developing Mathematical Understanding in the Foundation Stage
Gill Broadbent - EY & KS: 1
This seminar will be of interest to teachers of children in the Foundation Stage. It will explore ways of developing the mathematical understanding of children through everyday activities and routines at school and at home.

B16 1.00pm    
7 Keys to Motivation in the Classroom
Ian Gilbert - KS: All Levels
What are the seven most important keys to motivation in the classroom? An inspiring and entertaining presentation where you will learn what the brain is designed for (and it isn't formal learning), the best ever definition of happiness and why motivation is a four letter word.

B17 2.00pm    
Raising the profile of Primary Geography: I can do pictures!
Margaret Mackintosh - KS: 1-2
Geography is back! With the emphasis on literacy and numeracy in the primary curriculum, graphicacy is being neglected. Teaching geography through this essential life skill is appropriate and accessible for all. We will explore using pictorial sources for geographical topics and consider fun ways to make geography a 'continuous', exciting experience in and beyond the primary classroom.

Room C1

C11 10.00    
Education Department
Teaching New Tricks
Tim Brighouse,
This session will review techniques that are tried and tested and new ones in a light hearted way. It will review the implications of accelerated learning, the cognitive acceleration and emotional literacy in ways that will be of interest to teachers in Primary and Secondary school who have become exhausted and need cheering up!.

C12 11.30    
“I can do that!” – Some practical Primary French activities for class teachers
KS: 1-2
“I can do that!” announced a KS2 general class teacher at the end of an introductory PMFL meting. MFL need not be a daunting prospect for Primary teachers. Using QCA's French SoW language topics as a guide, this session presents “I can do that!” French language activities for KS1 and 2 teachers.

C13 12.45    
The Foundation Stage
Lesley Staggs – EY
This session will provide those who work in early years settings with information about emerging issues as the foundation stage is implemented as well as the planning guidance currently being developed.

C14 2.00pm    
NUT/Music for Youth
Working with the Disaffected in Music/The Solihull Experience
Richard Jones KS:3-4
The session will be about how, by using popular music you can make a difference to disaffected children. The speaker will talk about the important role the arts have to play in transforming lives around and how the Rock and Pop Festival at the NEC in July are proof of this. I t will also feature performances from some of the students in question.

Room C2

Pre-School Learning Allianc
Developing bodily awareness in under-fives
Ann Henderson - EY
This often neglected aspect of young children's early learning is specifically referred to in the Government's Early Learning Goals under Physical Development. However, there are also implications for other important aspects of children's development, including creativity, mathematics, personal, social & emotional development, knowledge & understanding of the world and equality of opportunity.

D12 11.30a    
The Music Makers Approach: Inclusive activities for young children with special educational needs
Hannah Mortimer - EY & KS: 1
'Music Makers' involves the planning of a regular music circle time for young children. Teachers are helped to plan musical activities which deliver the early years curriculum but are also linked to the individual education plans for any children with special educational needs. An evaluation will also be described.

D13 12.45    
Please Sir, can I be Queen Elizabeth? An investigation into the practical use and assessment of role
David Atkin - KS: 3-4
This workshop will explore the rationale behind using role play in History and focus on practical ideas for use in the classroom across the key stages.

D14 2.00pm    
The Importance of Science in Early Years Education
Max de Boo EY & KS: 1
This talk will outline the rationale for and the importance of teaching science to young children; how current statutory guidelines support young children's learning in science; areas of concern and the implications of these.

© EMAP Education 2001