New Developments:

Building on the new zoning areas introduced at the last Education Show, further developments are planned for 2001 to make it even easier for all visitors to locate the products, services and advice they need. These developments will ensure that The Education Show reflects the demands of this rapidly changing and very demanding market and maintain it as the National event for educational resources and management.

Performing Arts

New at the 2001 show will be the Performing Arts feature. Here teachers will see first hand the fundamental role creativity plays in successful learning with specific reference to how art, music, dance and imaginative play contribute to children's early experience. The feature will reflect one of the key themes of the National Curriculum: that children are entitled to a range of arts experiences - vital in developing children's creativity which in turn enables children to make connections between different areas of learning and helps to underpin the whole curriculum.

P.E Zone

With Physical Education coming centre stage again as a key part of the National Curriculum and as an issue with regards to the health and welfare of children, the Zone will provide a focus for this group of teachers. Key funding and advisory bodies will be alongside specialist suppliers, enabling you to plan a successful policy to develop all areas of physical education within your school. The Zone will also includ a Feature stand with live demonstrations from many mainstream and specialist sports, which will put the fun and zest into this area of the show! For more information click here

Art Zone

Following its successful introduction last year, this Zone is being expanded to fully reflect the importance placed on creativity in the curriculum. Key suppliers of creativity resources will be grouped together around the Creativity in Practice demonstration area where free workshops illustrate how teachers can stimulate the imagination of pupils with the hundreds of exciting products available.

Software Centre

Over the years The Education Show, with its close allegiance to the QCA, has successfully reflected the National Curriculum and all its associated changes, and during this period, curriculum software has become one of the key tools available to a teacher to help deliver the subject requirements of that Curriculum. Reflecting this relationship and the changing needs of the markets we are introducing the Software Centre at the 2001 event. This area is specifically designed to offer curriculum teachers a quick and easy platform to source and compare some of the most exciting software currently available from the smaller or more specialised software developer.

BESA Online Information Point

As a development on last years online service, the facilities will be greatly enhanced with new search faciliites allowing visitors pinpointto search for companies by product group, subject area and / or education level. Managed by the BESA team and sponsored by RM, the service utilises the Education Show website and will print out your personalised 'exhibitors-to-visit list' in seconds.

? EMAP Education 2001