Why pay more?

There is good news if you are planning to sit in on a seminar or three during your visit to The Education Show 2001. Booking prices for this year: the first session booked will cost £11.75 (inc VAT) and additional sessions will be cut by a welcome 50% to £5.88 (inc VAT). There is even better news for online bookers; you will receive a further £1 discount on these prices.

To book online click here


ALL - Association for Language Learning
ASE - Association for Science Education
ATL - Association of Teachers and Lecturers
ATM - Association of Teachers of Mathematics
BDA - British Dyslexia Association
BECTa - British Educational Communications & Technology Agency
BPA - British Paralympic Association
CILT - Centre for Information on Language Teaching & Research
DfEE - Department for Education & Employment
FEDA - Further Education Development Agency
GA - Geographical Association
HA - Historical Association
IAPS - Incorporated Association of Preparatory Schools
MA - Mathematical Association
NAGM - National Association for Governors and Managers
NAHT - National Association of Head Teachers
NAME - National Association of Music Educators
NASEN - National Association for Special Educational Needs
NASUWT - National Association of Schoolmasters & Union of Women Teachers
NATE - National Association for the Teaching of English
NLS - National Literacy Strategy
NPT - National Primary Trust
NUT - National Union of Teachers
PAT - Professional Association of Teachers
PCfRE - Professional Council for Religious Education
PEA - Physical Education Association
QCA - Qualification & Curriculum Authority
SHA - Secondary Heads Association
SMA - The Schools Music Association

Friday  23  March  2001

Room A

A7 10.00am    
Jean Gemmell - KS: 3-4
Promoting inclusion within mainstream schools, where parents want it and appropriate support can be provided, remains a cornerstone of our strategy (DfEE). The intention – laudable/the philosophy – indisputable/the theory – complicated/the practice – difficult/the resources – inadequate/the realisation – a long way off/the debate – here and now.

A8 11.00am    
Developing higher order thinking skills in Mathematics
Bob Sawyer - KS: 1-2
The successful implementation of the National Numeracy Strategy in Primary Schools has produced a substantial increase in standards. This session will explore developments in the teaching of higher order thinking skills that are being used to extend the range and quality of interactive teaching in the Mathematics lesson.

A9 12.00    
Practical ways to use the Internet in the Primary Classroom
Debs Ayerst - KS: 1-2
This seminar will present a range of practical examples of using the Internet in the classroom. Practical issues about using and managing ICT in lessons will also be discussed. Attendees will be able to take away with them a list of useful Internet addresses.

A10 1.00pm    
Let's get cracking! With Primary and Early Years MFL
Catherine Cheater - EY & KS: 1-2
This session will offer simple, practical ideas which primary teachers can use in order to bring a foreign language into the classroom. Be prepared to join in the fun! Catherine will also explain how CILT can support primary teachers who would like to up-date their skills.

A11 2.00pm    
Cracking Drama: Progression of Drama within English
Ruth Moore/Paul Bunyan - KS: 3-4
An understanding of the way progression can take place through drama in its relationship to the English curriculum is very important. This seminar will define that progression and demonstrate through tried and tested practice how this is achieved.

A12 3.00pm    
Transition from Key Stage 2 to 3: Bridge or Barrier?
Gwenlian Evans - KS: 2-3
Drawing on ATL's recent research, this session will look at the contrasts between primary and secondary experience and at the ways that links are being made to join up the learning on either side of the primary secondary divide.

Room B

B7 10.00am    
ICT & the Curriculum
Clare Johnson KS: 1-2
This session looks at ICT in the National Curriculum and how ICT can be used to support teaching and learning across the curriculum. Clare will cover issues including exemplification of standards and assessment of ICT capability, use of the schemes of work, supporting resources and related qualifications plus new issues that may have arisen.

B8 11.00am    
Development in Mathematics at Key Stage 3-4
Lyn Churchman - KS:3-4
A session which considers the implications of recent developments and their implications for teaching and learning maths in secondary schools. This includes: new national curriculum programmes of study for KS3&4; optional tests for years 7&8 plus World Class Tests for 13 year olds; maths GCSE criteria and specifications.

B9 12.00    
PE & the Schools Sports Project
Crichton Casbon - KS: All Levels
This seminar looks at best practice in implementing the National Curriculum in PE and Sport. We will look at research on the best ways to provide opportunities for pupils to learn both in and out of lessons. Using case studies we will consider best use of time, resources and available space.

B10 1.00pm    
Basic Skills and Key Skills
Barry Brook - KS: 4-16+
The basic skills of Literacy and Numeracy are essential and an entitlement for all. Key skills enable young people to progress into and at work. The new post-16 qualifications and Sir Claus Moser's report have created an opportunity to align these generic skills and create real opportunities for coherence, clarity and consistency. Find out about the technical and practical relationship between basic and key skills.

B11 2.00pm    
Mathematics at Key Stage 3
Annie Gammon - KS: 3
A view of how mathematics in schools will change due to the introduction of the NNS “Framework for teaching mathematics: Years 7 to 9”. In particular, I will discuss the impact on mathematics departments and on individual teachers and how much freedom they have in the way they use the framework.

B12 - 3.00    
Physical Education & School Sport
John Matthews KS: All Levels
Outlining the relationship between physical education & school sport. The balance that needs to be struck between participation and excellence. Competition and fun are not mutually exclusive, physical education should include both. How physical education can contribute to National sporting success.

Room C1

C6 10.00     
TES Keynote Lecture
Science Education: Capturing the Imagination
Russell Stannard - KS: All Levels
It can no longer be taken for granted that students have a natural desire to learn science. This is especially so of the physical sciences. Innovative approaches are required if interest in the subject is to be stimulated. Particularly effective in this regard can be the practice of conveying information through story-telling.

C7 11.30am    
Youth Sport Trust
Early Years development and Physical Activity
Sue Barratt - KS: EY
This workshop will focus on the place of physical activity in children's education and development. It will provide practical insights into the kind of activities and programmes which help to build children's confidence, co-ordination and competence. A fun workshop for anyone working in children's early years education.

C8 12.45pm    
Paralympics Curriculum Project
Olwyn Gunn/Martin Mansall KS:3-4
An overview of the NASUWT/BPA Paralympic curriculum project. Samples of the curriculum cards will be available. The project has been piloted in schools and specialist sports colleges in the North West. The cards provide a link between the Paralympic movement, citizenship, PSHE and National Curriculum and GCSE PE.

C9 2.00pm    
Education: The truth and other stories – Managing Curriculum and Assessment Reform
David Hanson - KS: 1-2
A humorous and insightful view on the key trends in education and their impact on teachers. The session will contain practical advice and guidance on managing the curriculum, assessment and accountability in schools.

C10 3.00pm    
Key Stage Assessment
Jackie Bawden - KS: All Levels
The life cycle of national curriculum tests – how are they created, how schemes are arrived at and by whom? What does key stage assessment tell you about your pupils and your teaching? This is an opportunity to find out how it all works and the key role of classroom teachers.

Room C2

D6 10.00am    
Poetry Book Society
Poetry in the Primary Classroom
Pie Corbett/Julia Bird KS: 2
New ideas for poetry readers and writers, an introduction to Children's Poetry Bookshelf (a scheme run by the PBS to promote children's poetry), a poetry reading and useful handouts. Pie Corbett is a poet with wide experience of working in schools. He is currently a Selector for Children's Poetry Bookshelf. Julia Bird works for the PBS.

D7 11.30am    
Improving Children's Writing at KS2
Wendy Body KS: 2
A practical session designed to help teachers improve children's narrative writing skills. It will focus on those features with which children have most difficulty, look particularly at what can be taught during shared writing and how this underpins writing within and beyond the Literacy Hour.

D8 12.45pm    
SEN and the Numeracy Strategy
Olwen El-Naggar - KS: 1-2
The aim of this seminar is to gain an understanding of some of the difficulties facing pupils with SEN in mathematics and how their needs can be met within the National Numeracy Lesson.

D9 2.00pm    
Pupil Behaviour
John Bangs/Kay Jenkins - – All Levels
The session will explore the implications of recent high profile court cases relating to school discipline and explore also the implications of the Government's criteria for pupil exclusions. The NUT's advice on pupil behaviour will provide the basis for the session.

D10 3.00pm    
Maths and Dyslexia
Steve Chinn – KS: 2-3
An overview of the factors which might contribute to learning problems for Dyslexics in maths, including memory, language and cognitive style. Some suggestions on teaching methods/philosophy and classroom management of the included Dyslexic.

© EMAP Education 2001