Why pay more?

There is good news if you are planning to sit in on a seminar or three during your visit to The Education Show 2001. Booking prices for this year: the first session booked will cost £11.75 (inc VAT) and additional sessions will be cut by a welcome 50% to £5.88 (inc VAT). There is even better news for online bookers; you will receive a further £1 discount on these prices.

To book online click here


ALL - Association for Language Learning
ASE - Association for Science Education
ATL - Association of Teachers and Lecturers
ATM - Association of Teachers of Mathematics
BDA - British Dyslexia Association
BECTa - British Educational Communications & Technology Agency
BPA - British Paralympic Association
CILT - Centre for Information on Language Teaching & Research
DfEE - Department for Education & Employment
FEDA - Further Education Development Agency
GA - Geographical Association
HA - Historical Association
IAPS - Incorporated Association of Preparatory Schools
MA - Mathematical Association
NAGM - National Association for Governors and Managers
NAHT - National Association of Head Teachers
NAME - National Association of Music Educators
NASEN - National Association for Special Educational Needs
NASUWT - National Association of Schoolmasters & Union of Women Teachers
NATE - National Association for the Teaching of English
NLS - National Literacy Strategy
NPT - National Primary Trust
NUT - National Union of Teachers
PAT - Professional Association of Teachers
PCfRE - Professional Council for Religious Education
PEA - Physical Education Association
QCA - Qualification & Curriculum Authority
SHA - Secondary Heads Association
SMA - The Schools Music Association

Thursday  22  March  2001

Room A

A1 10.00    
Key Strategies for Effective Behaviour Management
Peter Hook - KS: All Levels
This highly practical session will outline some of the key understandings; frameworks and strategies essential for promoting effective behaviour management skills, developing truly empowered students and supporting improved learning climates. Peter's work is used in a wide range of schools and settings throughout the country.

A2 11.00    
Secondary Science: Past, present and future?
Howard Flavell - KS: 3-4
We have seen many changes in secondary science teaching during the 20th century. Some have proved beneficial and others less welcome. How can we take forward the best of the old approaches into the 21st century and how may we respond to the challenge of a changing technological society?

A3 12.00    
Supporting Key Skills
Deirdre Kimbell, Sue Owen-Evans, Judith Woodlock, Lorraine Wilson & Peter White KS: 4-16+
Key skills are now a part of the education of most 16-19 year olds in schools and colleges. This session offers: an update on key skills; an outline of the support available including conferences and training courses, a helpline and website, a resources database, development projects, newsletters and publications such as A level packs and Management Manuals for schools and colleges.

A4 1.00pm    
The MFL classroom – where's my motivation?
Steven Fawkes KS:3-4
For teachers and learners of modern foreign languages the issue of motivation is of major importance. In the new century what is the potential for stimulating more people to learn (and teach!) with the enjoyment and enthusiasm we would wish them to have? This session aims to be entertaining as well as reflective.

A5 2.00pm    
Mystery, Misery and Murder – making local history motivating
Michael Riley KS: 3
The revised orders place greater emphasis on local history at KS 3., This workshop will explore ways of structuring historical enquiries which combine in-depth local history with broader historical themes. There will be a range of practical ideas which can be applied to the history of any locality.

A6 3.00pm    
Music Education in the 21st Century
Richard Hallam EY and KS: All Levels
The importance of music education in our lives and its relevance to the lives of our young people will be explored. The need for some young people to follow a music-related career and the role played by music services will also be examined in relation to schools and the wider community.

Room B

B1 10.00am    
Managing Performance Management
Now that the implementation of performance management in schools is underway, what have we learned from experience to date and what might lie ahead? Drawing on discussions with school leaders and on training and consultancy work with schools, Mike Parkhouse will present some views and invite comments and questions.

B2 11.00am    
“To be or not to be…” Inclusion issues in Secondary Schools
Margaret Griffin - KS: 3-4-16+
The current arguments for and against social inclusion will be discussed and evaluated. Issues such as disability, behaviour management, special educational needs, disaffection, truancy and exclusion will be raised and the educational resources and other provision required to deal with them.

B3 12.00    
The Arts & Creativity in the Curriculum
Tony Knight - KS: All Levels
Here is an opportunity to find out about the work currently being undertaken by QCA into the arts and creativity in the curriculum. Examples collected from schools will be shared and issues highlighted for further investigation. There will be opportunity for questions and debate.

B4 1.00pm    
Key Skills in Modern Apprenticeships
Liz Hunter KS: 4-16+
Find out about the new Key Skills Qualification: what has changed and why, plus where and how the new key skills are being used. The seminar also looks at key skills in Modern Apprenticeships; considers issues in designing Modern Apprenticeships frameworks, reflecting the needs of employers, and offers pointers for good practice use.

B5 2.00pm    
Impacts of the changes in GCSE Geography for Planning & Teaching in the Classroom
John Hopkin
The new specifications will introduce significant changes and closer links to new Key Stage 3 Programmes of Study. They will require a greater emphasis on environmental change, sustainability, global inter-dependence and the use of ICT. This Seminar will explore these changes, the options offered by various Boards and the implications for planning and teaching in the classroom.

B6 3.00pm    
DfEE – Learning for Work Unit
Key Skills Support for Work-based Training
Simon Shaw KS: 4-16+
In this session we shall explore some of the issues facing trainers and trainees in the implementation of key skills in general and the key skills qualification and external assessment in particular. We will also describe how Learning for Work is helping trainers through the government's Key Skills Support Programme.

Room C1

C1 10.00am    
Nelson Thorne Keynote Lecture Writing:
Ways to make the Best of it
Bill Laar KS: 1-2 & Year 7
It is now widely accepted that improving the quality of pupils' writing is one of the most pronounced and complex challenges facing teachers and pupils. The Lecture will be devoted to the issue and to the presentation of strategies designed to enhance competence and raise standards.

C2 11.30am    
Practical Ways to use the Internet in the Secondary Classroom
Richard Hammond KS: 3-4
This seminar will present a range of practical examples of using the Internet in the classroom. Practical issues about using and managing ICT in lessons will also be discussed. Attendees will be able to take away with them a list of useful Internet addresses.

C3 12.45pm    
Challenges for School Governors in the New Decade
John Adams KS: All Levels
As the growth of Governor responsibilities increases, School Governors must both meet the demands made upon them and take greater control of the decision making process which adds to that burden.

C4 2.00pm    
ADHD: Strategies for and Stories from the Classroom
Finton O'Regan - KS: 2-4
A brief overview of the ADHD term and how it affects students, teachers and success/failure in school. Classroom Management, Curriculum differentiation, Counselling and Medication options will be considered as well as management in non-structured times such as breaks/field trips. A series of short case studies will illustrate both the frustration and fun in working with these students.

C5 3.00pm    
Creative Writing in the Literacy Hour
Gordon Askew - KS:1-2
The NLS is often perceived as being rigid and prescriptive, prohibitive of extended writing and restrictive of creativity. It need not, indeed should not, be so. This session will provide practical, classroom examples of ways in which the Literacy Hour can be used to support exciting, creative reading and writing.

Room C2

D1 10.00am    
ICT & the Curriculum
Clare Johnson – KS: 3-4
This session looks at ICT in the National Curriculum and how ICT can be used to support teaching and learning across the curriculum. Clare will cover issues including exemplification of standards and assessment of ICT capability, use of the schemes of work, supporting resources and related qualifications plus new issues that may have arisen.

D2 11.30am    
Inclusion and Dyslexia Friendly Schools
Lindsay Peer - KS: All levels
A real winner! Many LEAs are now discussing and promoting inclusion as the way forward. Teachers, parents and children are feeling reassured and more successful, and of course Dyslexia friendly schools help many others too!

D3 12.45pm    
Multilingualism, Literacy and Dyslexia – A Challenge for Education
Lindsay Peer - KS:1-4
In the last two decades much progress has been made in our understanding of literacy difficulties amongst average – highly able people who speak one language. However in areas of bi/multilingualism, it has been difficult to identify such learners. This seminar will address the issues in this new and exciting area.

D4 2.00pm    
World Class Tests in Mathematics
Martin Ripley - KS: 2-3
Come along and find out about World Class Tests in mathematics and problem solving for high achieving 9 and 13 year olds. Learn more about these innovative tests, delivered through both paper based and ICT components. Find out QCA's plans for future support.

D5 3.00pm    
Changes to Qualifications
Patricia Bellas/Maxine Prince - KS: 4-16+
An opportunity to address curriculum and assessment issues in relation to qualifications for 14-19 year olds, highlighting, in particular, changes to GCSE and the introduction of Advanced Extension Awards

© EMAP Education 2001