The BETT 2002 seminar programme will provide teachers with a rich variety of informative, practical and inspirational speakers and subject matters. Covering every subject area, every level of education and tackling many of the burning educational ICT issues of the day, the seminars make an ideal contribution to a teacher's INSET programme. For lists and details of seminars - see below.

Each day begins with a keynote address, presented by leading and visionary members of the education community, including Professor David Reynolds, Professor Ted Wragg, Peter Housdon, and Professor Stephen Heppell.

BETT 2002 is also delighted to welcome Estelle Morris., Secretary of State at the DfES, who will officially open the show at 10.30am on Wednesday 9th January. Demand for free seats at this opening address will be high so please turn up in good time.

Seats at all seminars can be pre-booked in advance at a small charge, and any available seats are available free of charge on the day.

Browse through the seminar selections below by clicking on the relevant day and make a note of the relevant code (A1, B2, C3 etc) of any seminars that are of interest. To qualify for a 50% early bird discount, book your seminar(s) before 30th Nov. There is also a further discount for online seminar bookings. To pre-book a seminar(s) on-line, click here
Saturday  12  January  2002

Room A

A13 11:00AM
P, S
EC&T Keynote Lecture: Creative children in a digital age (KS: All stages)
Professor Stephen Heppell
When children sit down with new creativity tools, their ambitions are limitless. We need to consider the limits we impose through school organisation, examination and assessment systems and our own misunderstanding of just how far and fast they might go. This talk, generously illustrated with children's work, explores learning without limits

A14 12:30PM
SN, P, S, M
Count on your Computer: Maths software to help pupils with learning difficulties (KS: 1-4)
Di Hillage, BDA
A look at some of the titles available which may help those who find maths difficult, to overcome their problems.

A15 2:00PM
Creativity and digital moving images (KS: 2)
David Parker & Mark Reid, British Film Institute
This seminar will present the outcomes of research by bfi Education into the educational uses of digital editing software, including animation work produced by Key Stage 2 pupils, and into creativity and the digital moving image. It will also discuss the implications of digital editing software for teachers.

Room B

B10 11:00AM
P, S, SN
ICT in practice – inspiring individuals to achieve
Niel McLean, Director of Evidence & Practice AND Helen Walker, Head of Practice

What is good ICT practice? This session presents practical ideas for classroom teachers and presentations from a number of winners of the ICT in Practice awards. The presentations will be followed by a debate about what makes good practice in ICT and offers a chance to join the network of practitioners.

B11 12:30PM
P, S
Internet Safety in Schools
Charlotte Aynsley, Education Officer, Becta
What are the 'real' dangers for schools and pupils? How are schools currently integrating key safety messages? This session provides practical advice on how to develop whole school approaches to Internet safety and on effective teaching and learning strategies to implement in the classroom.

B12 1:30PM
P, S
Free Web Tools for Kids
Fred Garnett, Head of Community Programmes, Becta
Aimed at those who have been reluctant to go online, this session will give teachers pointers to web based resources for getting their pupils started with web work. It will include access to free design tools, free web hosting and web design tips.

B13 2:30PM
P, S, E, M, SC, ML, H, G, RE
Whole Class Teaching and ICT
Dave Hassell, Head of Curriculum & Institutional Development AND Sarah Swaney, Education Officer

Following a short presentation on the interim findings of Becta's research into a variety of approaches to using whole class display technologies and interactive whiteboards. This will be followed by a discussion about how teachers can make best use of such devices.

Room C

C13 11:00AM
P, S
The School Governor and ICT – a happy cohabitation or uneasy bedfellows? (KS: All stages)
Chris Gale, NGC
This session aims to cover the duties of the Governing Body with reference to IT and how you, as a governor, can make the most of the best for your school, and at the same time, get best value for money!

C14 12:30PM
Using and developing ICT in the Early Years (KS: EY &1)
Darren Leafe, Marilyn Leask/Veronica Carter, Teacher Net UK
This session will explore how an Early Years ICT specialist can develop the use of ICT in their school and take part in new developments. Topics covered focus on the use of ICT to support early years teaching and professional development of Early Years teachers.

C15 2:00PM
Using and developing ICT in Primary Schools (KS: 1 & 2)
Richard Millwood/Jonathan Surfurness, Teacher Net UK
This session explore how primary ICT specialists can develop the use of ICT in their school and take part in new developments. This long track record of innovation in ICT is due to a willingness to embrace new technologies and because so many creative imaginative teachers have a passion for learning

Room D

D13 11:00AM
P, S, 16+, M
Mathematics not ICT with spreadsheets – a new slant on CPD (KS: 2-4 & Post-16)
Julie Gibbon, ATM
Modern spreadsheets allow the development of interactive worksheets which encourage genuine mathematical problem solving, but which are unrecognisable as spreadsheet files. Such worksheets require minimal expertise to produce and can be written in minutes. This session outlines the ATM's work in this area and its developing perspective on CPD.

D14 12:30PM
P, E
Good Practice - using ICT for reading in the Primary Classroom (KS: 1 but applicable for all stages)
Carole King & Jane Hendley, UKRA
This session will look at how a final year student (BA with QTS), working in a small country school and using her own university experiences as a basis, introduced web site making as a way of motivating reluctant boy readers in Year 2

D15 2:00PM
Better Internet Searching (KS: 3-4)
Phil Bradley, SLA
This session will provide delegates with useful information, hints + tips on how to do quicker and more effective web searching. I will cover types of search engines, search syntax, virtual libraries, and intelligent agents.

Room E

E13 11:00AM
Resources for ICT in Science (KS: 3 & 4)
Roger Frost, ASE
In this talk and demonstration, we'll look at a spread of quality resources for teaching science. Using data loggers, science simulations and the Internet, we will explore a set of activities that are establishing themselves as good teaching practice.

E14 12:30PM
Where's the ON button? The use of computers in Science (KS: 1 & 2)
Charlotte Clarke, ASE
Pupils need to use sensors to collect information (datalogging), use ICT based sources (e.g. CD ROMs/ the internet), and communicate results using word processing, desktop publishing, databases and simple spreadsheets. This demonstration explores a range of relevant hardware and software and links to the QCA/DfEE scheme of work for science.

E15 2:00PM
P, S, RE
Supporting Pupils in RE at QCA Levels 2-7 by using ICT (KS: 2-4)
Paul Hopkins, PFCRE
The session will examine how ICT can support pupils in achieving RE attainment at levels 2-7 as defined by the QCA document 'Non-statutory guidelines for RE'. It will look at using a range of ICT from the low-tech to the more cutting-edge. Something for all teachers of RE.

© EMAP Education 2001