The BETT 2002 seminar programme will provide teachers with a rich variety of informative, practical and inspirational speakers and subject matters. Covering every subject area, every level of education and tackling many of the burning educational ICT issues of the day, the seminars make an ideal contribution to a teacher's INSET programme. For lists and details of seminars - see below.

Each day begins with a keynote address, presented by leading and visionary members of the education community, including Professor David Reynolds, Professor Ted Wragg, Peter Housdon, and Professor Stephen Heppell.

BETT 2002 is also delighted to welcome Estelle Morris., Secretary of State at the DfES, who will officially open the show at 10.30am on Wednesday 9th January. Demand for free seats at this opening address will be high so please turn up in good time.

Seats at all seminars can be pre-booked in advance at a small charge, and any available seats are available free of charge on the day.

Browse through the seminar selections below by clicking on the relevant day and make a note of the relevant code (A1, B2, C3 etc) of any seminars that are of interest. To qualify for a 50% early bird discount, book your seminar(s) before 30th Nov. There is also a further discount for online seminar bookings. To pre-book a seminar(s) on-line, click here
Friday  11  January  2002

Room A

A9 11:00AM
P, S
BECTa Keynote Lecture: ICT - Can it really help transform our schools? (KS: All stages)
Peter Housden, Director General for Schools, DfES
In this keynote speech Peter will outline the part that government envisions ICT will play in underpinning and developing the new policies. In particular Peter will focus on the way that ICT can transform teaching and learning to provide a more effective and inclusive educational system.

A10 12:30PM
P, S, SC
Building Active Learning Opportunities – Science Year as a model (KS: All stages)
Nigel Paine, Year of Science
With Science Year trying to change young people's attitudes to Science and its applications to increase the uptake of science subjects into Upper School and Higher Education, what role can ICT play? Why is it at the heart of the entire strategy? Why does the learning model need changing in the first place?

A11 2:00PM
P, S, HE
Progress in implementing ICT in schools – the national picture (KS: All stages)
Ken Dyson, OFSTED
OFSTED has a unique perspective on schools' use of ICT in the curriculum, both through its regular cycle of school inspections and through its inspection of the impact of Government initiatives. This talk will look at the progress made nationally in terms of teaching, learning and pupils' achievement in ICT.

A12 3:30PM
P, S, FE, HE, LL
E-learning – latest fad or next big development? (KS: All stages)
Danny Owen, NAACE
With the rush to e-everything we may have overlooked the power of e-learning to revolutionise our approach to school and life long learning. The session will use practical examples to illustrate and explore e-learning for: the individual, the school or college, the Local Authority and the Public sector in general.

Room B

B7 2:00PM
P, S, SN
ICT in practice – inspiring individuals to achieve
Niel McLean, Director of Evidence & Practice AND Helen Walker, Head of Practice

What is good ICT practice? This session presents practical ideas for classroom teachers and presentations from a number of winners of the ICT in Practice awards. The presentations will be followed by a debate about what makes good practice in ICT and offers a chance to join the network of practitioners.

B8 3:00PM
P, S, E, M, SC, ML, H, G, 16+, RE
Evidence in Practice – What research means for the school
Niel McLean, Director of Evidence & Practice AND Peter Avis, Head of Chief Executive's Policy Unit

What does recent research tell us of significance about developing ICT in schools? This seminar will present new evidence from two very recent large research projects looking at ICT and standards in schools. The first study has followed 2000 students in 60 schools for three years; the second looked at Inspection data for five thousand schools inspected between 1998 and 2000.

B9 4:00PM
P, S, SN
ICT Procurement Advice for Senior Managers
Stephen Lucey, Head of NGfL Infrastructure, Becta
What do you really spend on ICT purchases and support each year? Stephen Lucey provides practical advice to help you understand the true cost of your ICT and highlights the factors which are essential to successful ICT purchasing decisions

Room C

C9 11:00AM
P, M
Teaching mathematics interactively with Web-based resources (KS: 1 & 2)
Dave Futcher, NNS
This session will look at web-based resources that can be used to support teaching in the daily mathematics lesson.

C10 12:30PM
How can we make use of the Internet to support language learning? (KS: 3, 4 and above)
Gary Mottram, IATEFL
This presentation looks at existing resources available on the Internet and how these can best be utilised to support the development of language, and considers the issues of learner styles and strategies as well as teacher support. The speaker's background is EFL, but this talk should have general relevance.

C11 2:00PM
S, 16+, LL, ML
Effective ICT in MFL (KS: 3-4 + Post 16)
Claire Dugard, CILT
This session will look at recent examples of good practice in the exploitation of ICT in the MFL classroom. Drawing on examples of project work completed by teachers of MFL within their NOF training, it focuses on the practical challenges as well as the positive experiences and learning outcomes achieved.

C12 3:30PM
P, S, ML
PowerPoint in the Foreign Languages Classroom (KS: All stages)
Michael Shade, ALL
Some ideas for the exploitation of PowerPoint in the language classroom. Widely available and reasonably straightforward to use, PowerPoint enables the creation of slide sequences incorporating text, images, sounds, movies, and hyperlinks, allowing the teacher a high degree of flexibility both as author of materials and as user in the classroom.

Room D

D9 11:00AM
P, E
NLS: The literacy of ICT (KS: 1 & 2)
Gordon Askew, NLS
Reading and writing 'ICT texts' within and beyond the Literacy Hour.

D10 12:30PM
S, H
Using ICT and accelerated learning in History… some surprising findings (KS: 3 & 4)
Phil Smith, HA
Using accelerated learning principles as the organising framework and careful use of ICT as the medium, History lessons at Key Stages 3 and 4 can raise not only motivation but also achievement, helping pupils and staff focus on those more problematic areas of teaching and learning, and arriving at some surprising conclusions.

D11 2:00PM
S, G
Managing and making Geography on the Internet (KS: 3+)
Dave Hassell, GA
As the Internet becomes more pervasive, geography Departments need to manage both their own and student's activities. More and more geography departments and schools are developing Intranets and /or web sites, this session will study a range of examples and good practice, enabling you to offer more effective geography.

D12 3:30PM
SN, P, S, E
Using ICT to support the literacy of disaffected children & young people (KS: 2 & 3)
Charlie Griffiths, NLA
National Literacy Association is working in partnership with a number of local authorities to support children underachieving in Literacy. Drawing on a range of NLA projects for young people in public care, Charlie will show how the use of ICT, including portable hand-held computers, can inspire and motivate disaffected learners.

Room E

E9 11:00AM
P, S, E
Using ICT to boost literacy – a creative approach (KS: 2-3)
Chris Warren, NATE
A look at some of the latest creative approaches, using ICT to support Literacy in the English classroom, exploring a wide range of fresh ideas, techniques and examples. What do Transformations, Collapsed Text, Cloze Programs, and Fridge Magnets offer? Participants can elect to receive electronic samples by Email after the session.

E10 12:30PM
P,S, D+T
Training Teachers in ECT (KS: All stages)
Dr Peter Branson, DATA
This session will explain the ECT programme of training accredited trainers and teachers in electronics and communications technology. It will illustrate how teachers can join, and get web site support under the programme.

E11 2:00PM
ICT in Science - a teacher development issue? (KS: 3-4)
John Wardle, ASE
Compelling evidence as to the benefit of using ICT in science teaching is emerging as a result of recent training initiatives. In this talk John Wardle, a founder of the Science Consortium, will look at some of thosebenefits and consider the implication for continuing teacher development

E12 3:30PM
P, S, FE, 16+, D+T
CAD/CAM – Revolutionising the teaching of Design and Technology (KS: 3, 4 & Post 16)
Andy Breckon, DATA
This session will update teachers on the current developments including: Teaching area designs, mentor badges, research findings and the new updating programme in 2002. For international delegates it will update colleagues on the new international licenses for Pro/DESKTOP.

© EMAP Education 2001