BETT GOES TO THE MOVIES Camera! Lights! Learning!
21/12/01 16:31:00

BETT Goes to the Movies is an innovative feature showcasing the creative and educational role that film and film-making can play in teaching and learning for many curriculum subjects. As a medium that young people identify with, film is an excellent way of motivating and encouraging children to learn.

The feature pools the expertise of Film Education, the British Film Institute, Ultralab and Apple Computer all of whom have had extensive experience of working with children on film-making projects. Pupils will be involved in run the feature over the four days by running projects that will be broadcast live at the show. Activities arranged so far include script writing, news reporting, editing, scheduling and delivery.

The feature offers teachers an opportunity to obtain advice and learn techniques from film-making experts and to discover how film can be used to enhance teaching and learning across the curriculum.

Cary Bazalgette from the BFI believes that the implications of digital technology for education will be profound: “Creative and critical competence with moving images will soon become an accepted part of everyone's basic literacy entitlement. Children's learning no longer has to be demonstrated and assessed through written tests alone. Digital Video enables a range of teaching and learning activities including making short films and editing moving images and sound that motivates children and enhances learning.”

Event Director, Andy Wilkinson comments on the new feature: “Every year we strive to look at the widest range of technology which can be applied effectively in learning situations. 2002 is no exception - with the cost of digital technology coming down, coupled with the best possible advice on hand, it has proved possible to give BETT 2002 a focus on film.”

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